Business Building Live Interview with Jay Baer

In this second episode of my series interviewing entrepreneurs, I am very excited to present Jay Baer. You probably have heard of him. He’s super smart and does everything with the highest quality and taste. Jay started five multi-million dollar businesses from scratch. He’s an acclaimed keynote speaker, entrepreneur, technology investor, social media and digital marketing consultant and author. He’s consulted for 29 of the Fortune 500. Author of two best-selling business books. Named one of America’s top 3 social media consultants. Runs the world’s #1 content marketing blog. Has given speeches to hundreds of organizations, including the US State […]

Why Books Can Be One of the Worst Products to Sell Online

I had an interchange recently with a fan, and first, it’s really awesome to have fans :-) I’ve said this same kind of thing about books to a bunch of people over the last few years, but I’ve never blogged or ebooked about it. And the math part of it is something everybody looking to do ecommerce online should look at, so here it is. And by the way, I know there are exceptions- Jay Baer has a great slideshare about how he drove Youtility to bestseller status. But that’s an outlier- an exception (and required a big investment that […]

Business Building Video Interview with Michael Stelzner of Social Media Examiner

You’ve heard of Social Media Examiner and the Social Media Marketing World conference? Michael Stelzner launched Social Media Examiner in October of 2009 and it has exploded. Last year more than 7.5 million visited the site, and they email tips daily to more than 230,000 people. Mike is also the author of two books (Launch & Writing White Papers) and is host of the Social Media Marketing Podcast. He also founded the parenting blog My Kids’ Adventures. I interviewed him on the topic of Business Building: starting from scratch or how to grow an existing business, specifically in the digital […]

Brian Carter – Essential Reading

Hi! If you’re new to digital marketing or social media or just to Brian Carter, you ought to take a look at this “required reading” list. Things by Brian: . Free ebook: Contagious Content: What People Share on Facebook and Why They Share It – If you want to create Facebook posts that get shared like crazy, execute the takeaways from this research study on your own Facebook posts. Everything in Contagious Content is valid. Read it to get more likes and shares on your posts. Free ebook: The SuperPost Swipe File™ – The best posts we’ve ever run for […]

More for Tiger Rock Franchisees!

Tiger Rock Franchisees, thanks so much for having me. The following link is a copy of the presentation I gave in New Orleans on January 10th, 2015. How To Facebook (And Tweet) For Awareness Interaction & Web Traffic (PDF) <– right-click and save-as Enjoy, and don’t miss the follow-up webinar!