Whatever the industry, you need to engage your customers to stay top of mind, on the tip of their tongues, in the middle of their feeds, and following you on social.
That means keeping the Content Monster well fed… and it isn’t satisfied with your product or service marketing material adapted to a social platform. Don’t make the too-common mistake of serving dry potatoes then expecting a “please, sir, can I have some more?”
Who wants to spend leisure time reading product features or service benefits in a post format?
Great social content goes a level beyond your product into your customers’ emotional lives- their dreams, cares, frustrations, goals, fears, passions, loved ones & hobbies. It means not always selling, a “lifestyle” image should reflect your customer’s actual lifestyle. Save the hero stories for television ads.
When a brand’s content moves, inspires, entertains, tickles, awes, and empathizes it’s always relevant and engaging. Customers will return the favor and engage with you.
Our Post Creation Service:
We discover your customers’ likes, values, and preferences; integrate them with your brand’s marketing & sales messaging; and reflect that back in your posts.
- Analysis of previous posts, the Facebook open graph and your existing fan base to understand what they like and share.
- Post creation — customized and original — daily!
- Review social analytics and optimization to continually improve engagement. The industry says 1% engagement rate is okay, but we strive for 3-5% or greater. Over time, our post engagement rate is 25%+…see the posts below.
- A by-product of our data analysis is new insight about your customers that can translate to other marketing strategies and channels.
And when you have great posts AND run Facebook engagement ads, here are the full benefits of that strategy:
- Brand awareness is boosted by engagement ads more than other ad types.
- Google searches of the brand name increase with more aware customers.
- Search traffic & sales increase but not be attributed to social media without good analytics.
- Engaged customer purchases are seen in conversion tracking and analytics.
- Repeat buyers stay engaged between purchases rather than going to the competition.
- Loyalty increases due to liking and trusting, need for new customers decreases.
- Conversion rates increase because customers have less sales resistance with increased brand familiarity, likability and trust.
- Profits increase due to decreased costs from increased conversion rates.