Podcast: The Shocking Truth About B2B Facebook Marketing

7Always alotta (I say that’s a word) FUN to be on Kathy’s podcast! Because she’s another business mind who loves to do improv. Therefore, this will both fill your cranium with small explosions of insight AND entertain your limbic system- let’s just say it’ll make your limbic system do “the limbo”.

  1. Why Is Facebook A No-Brainer For B2B Marketing?
  2. Why Do Facebook Ads Beat The Freaking Pants Off Linkedin Ads?
  3. What Are The No Brainer Lead Gen Strategies To Combine With Facebook?
  4. How Do You Use Facebook To Crowd-Source Product And Service Ideas- To Save A Ton Of Money And Heartache?
  5. What The Heck Does More Cowbell Have To Do With Making More Money?

I sure hope this podcast leverages your synergy to paradigmitize your cashflow!