NEW BLOG POST: Why “NEW” is Killing Your Business


Words sell.

Some words grab your attention so hard they give you whiplash.


Certain words wipe your memory of what you were working on before. They reprioritize everything else. They take precedence.


The ironic thing is: if you want profits, you need something old and proven.

But old is not sexy.

Profits should be sexy but they’re not. Cash is sexy, I guess.


But somehow a new feature, a new platform, a new book, a new course hijacks your brain and kills everything else you were working on before.


For example, email marketing and google ads have produced high ROI for 10 years.


Great, right? They should get a lot of attention and people should do those things, right?

But how much TV air-time are email marketing and Google ads getting?


Social is newer and cooler.



So having been in the Internet marketing game since 2004 (doing SEO since 1999), I’ve seen a lot of…

  • new platforms
  • new features
  • new courses
  • new books
  • new tactics
  • new strategies
  • new techniques
  • new gurus
  • new conferences
  • new cetera…

And one thing I know for sure- the gurus and blogs that focus on NEW win.

It’s maddening- because I look for and create and teach repeatable systems that will efficiently deliver you results (like actual profits).


Meantime, some people who focus on the bleeding edge get more attention and deliver little to no results.

Why would you listen to people who aren’t getting you results?

What is happening?

NEW is hijacking your brain.

Listen, I get it…

It makes sense that you should pay attention to NEW.

Because of Fear of Missing Out.

You’re afraid.

You don’t want to miss out on the latest greatest new powerful thing. You don’t want to miss any big new dangers.

It makes sense that we look at NEW.

I get it.

BUT it’s very inefficient, and it’s wasting a lot of your time and money.

If you are ADHD-pulled to every NEW thing, and you don’t FOCUS, you will not get as far.

  • You will get less done.
  • You will do things that get less results.
  • Your business will not go as far.

You could lose.


Really? Like Foursquare was the future? And Facebook tabs? And Meerkat? And Ello?

And shall I list 17 other failures people thought were the FUTURE?

NEW could kill your business…

Especially if your competitors are focusing on high-ROI tasks and you are not.

OLD is not good.

OLD is bad.

Except when OLD is proven and dependable and repeatable.

OLD is the NEW NEW.

That doesn’t make any sense.

But it should.

Do something OLD. It’s probably more proven and profitable.

Wouldn’t that be NEW, if everybody did OLD, proven, repeatable, profitable things, instead of NEW, fun, low-result, inefficient things?

So do something proven.

It’s probably not super NEW.

But it’s probably KINDA NEW, if it’s powerful.

If it’s too OLD it won’t work anymore or it will be so competitive it’ll be hard to succeed.

So do something KINDA NEW.

Like Facebook advertising, a Facebook Audit, or Social Marketing Profit System ;-)

Another good example would be webinars. They’re not new. They’re old. But they’re proven.

TONS of people have made money with webinars.

Has anybody made money with Blab or Facebook Live? Maybe one person? Who?

But hundreds if not thousands of people have made money using platforms like GoToWebinar.

GoToWebinar is old and boring. But it makes people money. Maybe you have to do webinars in a new way to keep it fresh, but webinars are proven.

So do something old in a new way!