In 5 Words: Your Favorite Thing About Social Media [VIDEO]

I asked social media experts and aficionados, “In 5 words, what’s your favorite thing about social media?” They answered via selfie-video and I put them together with Bensounds’ awesome music ( Here it is. Watch it. And if you like it, share it with your friends!

Here are all their answers! Click on any quote to tweet it.

  1. “You can build genuine relationships online.”Jessika Phillips
  2. “Circle of friends expanded dramatically.”Joel Comm
  3. “The best people hang there.”Viveka Von Rosen
  4. “It flattens out the world.”Gini Dietrich
  5. “It makes my audience bigger.”Garrison Wynn
  6. “There are profound cat photos!” – Andy Livengood
  7. “Deeper connection with your customers.” – Andrea Vahl
  8. “Meaningful relationships and passionate communities.”Ekaterina Walter
  9. “Connecting people and ideas.”Kate Buck, Jr.
  10. “Videos, infographics, podcasts, humor and bacon.”Phil Mershon
  11. “Getting to know you better.” – Adryenn Ashley
  12. “No pants required!”Aaron Higgins 
  13. “Connecting with other curious people.”Courtney Smith-Kramer
  14. “On demand engagement with fans.”Jon D. Harrison
  15. “Building human connections before meeting.”Kathy Klotz-Guest
  16. Extending boundaries in a human way.Mark Schaefer
  17. “Connecting with humans online globally.”Bryan Kramer
  18. “Create, connect, promote, interact and transact.”Lee Odden
  19. “Connecting you to your people.”Martin Shervington

(And yes, GASP! I know: some of them didn’t do exactly 5 words. It’s like herding cats in here!)