Here’s The Most Epic Selfie (Video) in the World, And Why It’s the Same as Clever Facebook Posting

This is 600 days; 125,946 miles; 36 countries; five motorcycles; and one go-pro camera in three minutes.

Watch it.

This is what a lot of marketing is all about, isn’t it? “I am associating myself with awesome things.” (including that fun song behind the video)

Facebook posts can be a photographic version of this.

For example, these are the most popular posts from PrideStaff, a recruiting company that thrills its fans with posts that get 3-10% engagement rates (you’re doing well if you get 1%).

A lot of great Facebook posting combines

1. What people already think is great
– WITH –
2. Who you are or who your company is

It’s the same as the old “fame frottage” strategy- imbuing your brand with credibility or allure by associating your brand with celebrities.