Brand Managers and CMO’s: Does Your Ad Agency Measure Up?
The idea is to get the best possible results on your ad spend.
The enemy right now is media buyers. They want to control all the ad spend even though they don’t know how to optimize digital ads. They are still stuck in a 1990’s paradigm. If they won’t share details about your results, you shouldn’t trust them. Ask them how they’re optimizing your ads to get the most out of your spend, and see if they measure up to the benchmarks on the right.
On a daily basis, we at The Carter Group are pretty nerdy about doing everything we can to get better results for our clients.
Month to month we always want to show you improvements in your cost per engagement, cost per fan, cost per lead, ROI, revenue, percentage of fans who engage with your posts and so on.
Sometimes we show a client amazing results and they ask, “Is that good?” Fair question. Here are some performance benchmarks. How can you use them?
- Look at your results and compare. Are your current results good enough?
- Considering hiring us. What kind of results can you expect from the Carter Group?
- Have us train your internal staff. What kind of results could they be getting you?
Companies often start with consultants and then hire their own internal staff. We serve both as consultants who do the work and later as trainers to internal staff. If you’ve hired internal staff and they’re not hitting these benchmarks, they may need training. Digital marketing is the Wild West- you don’t get this kind of training in college. Most conferences won’t give you the step-by-step how-to and be available to your rock stars for day-to-day questions and answers. You have to get it from industry leaders like us.
Want to know more? Take this quiz. And yes, you should know the answers to these questions, or someone should be reporting the numbers to you :-)